Statement from AzHHA President/CEO Greg Vigdor
For Immediate Release │ April 19, 2018
Media Contact: Shayna Diamond │602-445-4327│[email protected]
PHOENIX — “There are few issues more important to the strength and stability of Arizona than education. That’s especially true for our hospitals and healthcare industry, where there is a clear and direct correlation between public education and public health. These elements are essential to our vision to make Arizona the Healthiest State in the Nation.
“That’s why AzHHA supports Governor Ducey’s plan to significantly boost investments in Arizona’s public schools, including providing a 20 percent pay increase for teachers by 2020. We applaud the governor for his thoughtful leadership in crafting a proposal that prioritizes Arizona schools while keeping hospitals whole and protecting Medicaid as a vital safety net for Arizona families.
“We will continue to follow the process closely as details and a deal come together. In the meantime, we encourage legislators to work in a swift and bipartisan manner to get these dollars flowing to our schools and hardworking teachers.”
About AzHHA
AzHHA is Arizona’s statewide association for those organizations and individuals devoted to collectively building better healthcare and health for the patients, people and communities of Arizona. Founded in 1939, AzHHA’s objective is to improve healthcare through Better Care, Better Health and Lower Costs with the ultimate goal of making Arizona the healthiest state in the nation. For more information, please contact [email protected] or call (602) 445-4300.