Read about the insights behind our work at the Arizona Legislature and how we championed legislation to strengthen Arizona’s healthcare workforce.
AzHHA 2022 Legislative Report is here
Fresh off the digital press, AzHHA’s 2022 Legislative Report is here! This past legislative session was unique, to say the least, and our strategy adapted to defeat proposed legislation threatening the way hospitals provide safe and effective care while championing our number one priority: strengthening the healthcare workforce. Despite a turbulent year, AzHHA was successful in passing a significant investment in member hospitals’ number one area of need: the healthcare workforce (HB2691). The legislation, which secured nearly $150 million over the next three years, takes a comprehensive approach to expand the nursing pipeline. Read more in the report including information on the tenor of the session, state budget, COVID-19 legislation, and of course, our work on your behalf in passing the healthcare workforce bill (HB2691).
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona takes the title
AzHHA is proud to announce Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona (BCBSAZ) as its Title Sponsor of the 2022 Annual Leadership Conference taking place October 19-21, 2022, at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson. BCBSAZ is committed to helping Arizonans get healthier faster and stay healthier longer. With a focus on connecting people with the care they need, BCBSAZ offers health insurance and related services to more than 1.9 million customers. Through advanced clinical programs and community outreach, BCBSAZ is inspiring health in Arizona. Thank you to our Title Sponsor!
Register now for AzHHA’s premier event bringing together healthcare executives, trustees, thought leaders, legislators and community partners from across the state for two and a half days of education and networking. Find details on the conference agenda here. Book your room by this Friday, September 9 to take advantage of our group rate discount!
September is Sepsis Awareness Month
Sepsis continues to be a leading cause of mortality in hospitals, affecting millions worldwide. Early identification and treatment are critical to improving patient outcomes. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2021 published updated recommendations to enhance your organization’s sepsis program in November 2021. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign also shared new infographics for hospital staff with recommendations for antibiotic timing and vasoactive agent management. The Sepsis Alliance has shared an inquisitive infographic for patients and staff detailing different potential sources of infection.
AzHHA releases DataGen reports
In relationship with DataGen, AzHHA distributes reports to hospitals based on information submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This data helps hospitals understand the financial impact of proposed changes and annual updates. The reports can also assist in preparing budgets or benchmarking results with other similar organizations. DataGen generates hospital-specific reports which are sent to AzHHA hospital members as part of their membership. Below is the list of reports recently sent to members:
FFY 2023 LTCH Final Rule – Sent 8/22/2022
Medicare Hospital Wage Index Average Hourly Wage Criteria
Analysis – Sent 8/24/2022
2Q2022 Quality Measure Trends Analysis – Sent 9/6/2022
Outpatient Quality Measure Trends Analysis – Sent 9/7/2022
September 14 – FFY 2023 IPPS Final Rule and Analysis Overview Webinar
The IPPS is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, from 12-1 pm. The webinar will focus on understanding what is covered in the FFY 2023 IPPS final rule and the analysis. Registration for the zoom webinar is required.
September 14-16 - Arizona HFMA 2022 Fall Conference
The Arizona Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) will be holding its 2022 fall conference in Scottsdale, Arizona September 14-16, 2022. Learn more about the conference on their website.
September 15-16 - Mayo Clinic Solid Organ Transplant 2022 CNE Conference
Westin Kierland Resort - Scottsdale, AZ (MST)
This live and live-stream conference will provide an overview of new and advancing solid organ transplant clinical practices. Sessions will focus on living donor updates, pre-transplant treatments, ethics, patient education, and patient stories. Mayo Clinic Arizona is approved by the ABTC to offer 12.75 Category 1 CEPTCs for this conference. (Please note that COVID Guidelines for in-person attendance apply – see website for requirements.) Target Audience: This CNE conference is designed for nurses and healthcare professionals caring for solid organ transplant patients.
Register Now at
October 19-21 – 2022 Annual Leadership Conference
Register now for AzHHA’s premiere event - the 2022 Annual Leadership Conference October 19-21, 2022, at the majestic Lowes Ventana Canyon in Tucson. The AzHHA Annual Leadership Conference brings together hundreds of healthcare CEOs, leaders, legislators, and community partners from across the state for two and a half days of education, recognition, and networking. Register here.
October 26 – 28, 2022 - National Pediatric Disaster Conference – California Earthquake Response
This two-day Significant Event Readiness Forum (or SERF) will provide an environment for exploring opportunities along the disaster response continuum. SERFs are not exercises. However, objectives and evolving scenarios foster needed discourse. This year’s conference will be virtual. Click here to learn more about the event and watch for registration to open soon.
Court says local health centers can challenge AHCCCS on reimbursements
Arizona Capital Times (subscription required)
Travel nurses aren't returning to their old jobs
Becker’s Hospital Review
Director's Blog: monthly report on COVID-19 outcomes by vaccination status