Connection Newsletter
By AzHHA Communications ● May 23, 2024
Smart Brevity® count: 5 mins...1382 words
In this issue, read about:
- The latest happenings at the Arizona Legislature.
- Next week’s deadline for AzHHA Quality Awards submissions.
- The Arizona Transition to Practice Program accepting applications for the August 2024 cohort.
Update: Budget negotiations

This week, the Senate convened with a lengthy agenda that included a few Committee of the Whole (COW) calendars. The Senate also third read, otherwise known as a final vote, nearly a dozen bills from the House that were still pending in the chamber.
- The purpose of a COW is to relax the usual limits on debate, allowing a more open exchange of views without the urgency of a final vote.
- The House did not meet this week and plans to return on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. It has been suggested that a budget will be ready for review upon their return.
Yesterday, AzHHA member CEOs received an update on hospital budget negotiations and a Governor’s office budget proposal impacting hospitals that is currently being vetted by staff.
What’s next: We will hold a members-only special legislative update call at 1 p.m. on Friday, May 24, 2024, to discuss the proposed measures and our strategy moving forward as negotiations intensify.
- If you are a member and would like to be added to the call, please email Donna Di Orio at [email protected].
Last chance: Apply now for the 2024 AzHHA Quality Awards
Showcase your work: The Second Annual AzHHA Quality Awards are open for submissions from outstanding applicants wanting to highlight their work in:
🏥Patient Safety and Quality
📢Community Engagement
🤰Maternal Health Innovation
Why it matters: These awards celebrate and recognize Arizona’s leaders committed to advancing healthcare through exceptional quality performance, community engagement and a culture of continuous improvement.
Apply now! Read the application instructions and complete the Applicant Information form to get started.
The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on Friday, May 31, 2024.
What’s next: The outstanding achievements will be honored at the AzHHA Quality Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024, during the 2024 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference.
Arizona Transition to Practice Program: Apply now for the August 2024 cohort!
Applications are now open for the third Arizona Transition to Practice Program for New Graduate Registered Nurses cohort beginning in August 2024.
- Any Arizona healthcare facility licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services that hires new graduate registered nurses can apply.
- Priority is given to critical access hospitals or hospitals located in counties with a population of less than 500,000 people.
- Hospitals with existing 12-month Transition to Practice programs are not eligible.
Why it matters: The Arizona Transition to Practice Program:
- Supports and develops new nurses.
- Provides evidence-based professional development.
- Accelerates the novice nurse to a competent nurse more rapidly.
- Addresses resilience and emergency preparedness.
👉Applications are due Friday, June 14, 2024.
Cybersecurity conference highlights healthcare threats
Thanks to all who attended our fourth annual AzCHER conference focused on cybersecurity in the healthcare sector last week!
- The conference featured a robust list of experts including speakers from the FBI, Critical Infrastructure Security Agency, the American Hospital Association and local utility companies.
- The day concluded with a member’s perspective - and lessons learned - thanks to Frederick Peet and Trudi Milner from AzHHA member hospital Yuma Regional Medical Center.
If you’d like to sponsor or speak at one of our future events, please email [email protected].
AHCCCS provider resources and registration requirements
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) has upgraded its virtual chatbot, AVA.
- The upgrade will make it easier to get answers to your most common provider questions, including provider enrollment, revalidation, claims and prior authorizations.
- Depending on your question, you may need to provide verification like the provider NPI, the AHCCCS provider ID or claim number to receive a personalized answer, so be sure to have that available.
You can find AVA at the bottom right-hand corner of the AHCCCS homepage, AHCCCS online and the APEP portal.
AHCCCS registration requirements:
Beginning Monday, July 1, 2024, claims submitted by fee-for-service providers that include a referring, ordering or attending provider who is not registered with AHCCCS will be denied.
- Fee-for-service claims that include an unregistered prescribing provider are not subject to this deadline.
To begin the enrollment process, visit AHCCCS provider enrollment.
2024 Member Survey is live!
AzHHA has launched its annual member survey.
- This survey is open to member hospital CEOs.
Why it matters: The survey helps us understand if we are meeting the needs of our members with policy and advocacy work as well as additional services and programs.
The big picture:
- The survey runs until the close of business on Monday, June 3, 2024.
- All CEOs of AzHHA member hospitals received the survey link via email on Monday, May 20, 2024.
- It will take no more than five minutes to complete.
What’s next: If you are in the target audience for this survey, please check your email for the direct link to the survey and share your feedback.
Questions? Contact [email protected].
ADHS seeks input on trauma recovery
The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) is launching a Trauma Recovery Center (TRC) pilot project.
Why it matters: The TRC model promotes survivor-centered healing and removes barriers to care for underserved survivors of violent crime.
What's next: As part of the project, ADHS has created a survey to help better understand existing programs and gaps in services for survivors of violent crime, potential opportunities or barriers, and key stakeholders to engage in the TRC planning process.
- If you or someone in your organization has any insights on any of these topics, please fill out the survey by Friday, May 24, 2024.
Survey to assess perceptions about Opioid Stewardship Programs
The UArizona Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health in collaboration with Arizona Center for Rural Health and Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center is conducting a survey with healthcare leaders and professionals as defined as:
- Healthcare leaders are adults, 18 years of age or older, who hold administrative, clinical and/or technological leadership positions that support an Arizona rural healthcare organization.
- Healthcare professionals are adults, 18 years of age or older, who work in, or support rural healthcare in roles such as administrative support, providers and community health workers/recovery support specialist.
Why it matters: The purpose of the survey is to assess Arizona healthcare leaders and professionals’ perceptions about the Opioid Stewardship Programs (OSPs). OSPs are coordinated organizational interventions aimed at addressing pain and addiction.
- There is a specific interest to hear from healthcare leaders and professionals that serve rural populations as they are underrepresented in the OSP literature.
The survey ends Thursday, June 6, 2024.
AzHHA announces relaunch of job board
AzHHA is excited to share its new and improved job board, AzHealthJobs.
Go deeper: The new back-end partner, Web Scribble, offers enhanced customer service and a sales team who actively scrub the internet for jobseekers.
- Select from basic, enhanced or premium posting opportunities.
- Customize your postings with corporate branding and gain access to multiple partner job sites with the premium selection.
Benefit to AzHHA members: Use code “AzHHA15” and receive 15% off all job postings and packages through the end of July 2024.
Questions? Contact [email protected] or reach out to Web Scribble directly at [email protected].
Convergence Health Workforce Wellbeing and Violence Prevention Improvement Series This series was developed based on the growing challenges that our healthcare workforce is facing in the areas of personal wellbeing and physical safety. On Wednesdays through the end of June, hear from experts who are working on these topics every day. Learn more and register.
Thursday, May 30 - Introduction to POLST Join physician orders for life-sustaining treatment paradigm (POLST) for their one-hour virtual workshops equipping healthcare professionals with knowledge and resources to begin using POLST in Arizona. Register here.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 and Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024 - EMTALA webinar series This members-only webinar series is designed to answer questions about EMTALA, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. Questions? Reach out to [email protected].