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Connections newsletter 9-7-23

Learn about AzHHA's comment letter to HHS regarding the 340B Drug Pricing Program, the Healthcare Leadership Academy Q&A session next week, and Itellify Talent Solutions, a platinum sponsor for this year's Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference.



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Connection Newsletter

By AzHHA Communications ● Sept. 7, 2023

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This week, learn about:

  • AzHHA’s comment letter to HHS regarding the 340B Drug Pricing Program.
  • The Healthcare Leadership Academy Q&A session on Thursday, Sept. 14.
  • Intellify Talent Solutions, a platinum sponsor for the 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference.

AzHHA submits letter to HHS regarding 340B Drug Pricing Program

Illustration of a red cross spinning to reveal money

What’s new: This week, AzHHA submitted a comment letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on it proposed remedy to the 340B Drug Pricing Program following the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous decision that significantly cut payments to 340B hospitals.

The bottom line: While AzHHA agrees with HHS’ decision to make a one-time lump sum payment to hospitals that were improperly underpaid, it has serious concerns with HHS authority to make a “budget neutral adjustment.”

  • AzHHA believes that HHS has both the legal obligation and legal flexibility to not seek a claw back of funds that hospitals received as a result of HHS’ own mistakes and that hospitals have long since spent on patient care—including during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Clawing back funds from hospitals and health systems would constitute a conscious choice by the Administration to make a deeper Medicare cut, creating additional ongoing financial challenges for hospitals and health systems across the country.

If HHS insists on clawing back payments, it should pursue a far more modest one than the proposed $7.8 million adjustment or at the very least delay any adjustment until CY 2026 or later so that hospitals are given more time to recover financially from the pandemic.


Q&A session next week: Healthcare Leadership Academy

Next week, you can join a live Q&A session via Zoom to learn more about the Healthcare Leadership Academy (HLA).

  • Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023, from 11-11:30 a.m.
  • Representatives from AzHHA and Creighton University will be on the call to answer all your questions.
  • To receive call-in information, please register here.

The big picture: The 2024 HLA application process is now open! Applications are due Tuesday, Oct. 31.

  • The AzHHA Foundation is partnering with Creighton University to provide healthcare leadership development and management education to employees of AzHHA member hospitals.
  • The HLA is a six-month program geared toward mid-level managers and early-stage executives to prepare them for C-suite positions.
Learn more



Intellify Talent Solutions – 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference platinum sponsor

Confetti flying out of a megaphone.

What’s new: AzHHA is excited to share that Intellify Talent Solutions is a platinum sponsor of this year’s Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference Oct. 25-27 at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson.

👉Get to know Intellify Talent Solutions: Better Technology. Better Insights. Better Results.

Wish you had a partner to guide every staffing decision with precision?

  • Now you do - introducing Intellify Talent Solutions.
  • Intellify Talent Solutions partners with healthcare organizations to optimize their workforce ecosystems by offering innovative tech-enabled solutions and services that span the employment lifecycle.

Go deeper: The Intellify Talent Management System is the newest technology led by business intelligence that provides real-time, data-driven insights to elevate your workforce.

  • The VMS provides immediate cost savings, unparalleled visibility with workforce transparency, compliance management and continuous innovation to meet market demands.
Learn more



What you need to know about expired COVID-19 tests

The FDA has extended expiration dates for many rapid at-home COVID-19 tests. This webpage shows a list of at-home test manufacturers and indicates which tests have had their expiration date extended.

  • Experts say existing at-home tests are still able to detect newer variants.

The bottom line: If a test does not say it has an extended expiration date, the original date on the box label still applies. The FDA advises against using tests beyond their expiration date as there is a risk of inaccurate results.


Canyon Vista Medical Center welcomes new CFO, board member and providers

What’s new: Canyon Vista Medical Center, the largest healthcare facility in Cochise County, welcomes new chief financial officer, board member and providers.

Edward Keough is the new chief financial officer.

  • His position was effective in July 2023.
  • Prior to joining Canyon Vista Medical Center, he was chief financial officer at Lake Health District Hospital in Lakeview, Ore.; chief financial officer at Kenaitze in Kenai, Alaska; and controller at Unity Health Care in Washington, DC.

Theresa Walsh was selected to serve on the Board of Trustees.

  • After her retirement as a U.S. Army Colonel from Ft. Huachuca, Theresa worked as the director of Cochise county community outreach, and the director of constituent services for Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick.
  • She is the president of the local chapter of the Women’s Army Corps and serves as the chapter service officer of the VA Assistance Program for the Disabled American Veterans.

👉You can learn more and see a full list of the new providers here.

Welcome Edward, Theresa and all of the new providers.


Member spotlight: 2023 Lifepoint Health Mercy Award winners

What’s new: Last week, Lifepoint held their annual Mercy Award celebration in Nashville, Tenn. to honor extraordinary Lifepoint employees who are making a real difference in their facilities and communities.

Why it matters: The award commemorates the life and legacy of the late Scott Mercy, Lifepoint’s founding chairman and chief executive officer.

  • For more than two decades, the Mercy Award has honored Scott’s memory and celebrated employees in Lifepoint’s facilities and the Health Support Center who are carrying out his legacy and making communities healthier in everything they do.
  • It is the highest honor a Lifepoint employee can receive.

We would like to recognize the following winners from AzHHA member hospitals:

  • Rebecca Leyva, Canyon Vista Medical Center
  • Caroline Ashton, Copper Springs East
  • Andy Dickinson, Copper Springs Hospital
  • Donna Nicholas, Cornerstone Behavioral Health El Dorado
  • Allison Gomez, Dignity Health East Valley Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Cece Williams, Havasu Regional Medical Center
  • Jon Harris, Valley View Medical Center




Monday, Sept. 11 - 2023 Alzheimer’s Consortium Scientific Conference
Hosted by Mayo Clinic, this hybrid conference will be livestreamed and held in person in the Memorial Union on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe. There is no cost to attend, and lunch will be provided. Kristine Yaffe, MD, an internationally recognized expert in the epidemiology of dementia and cognitive aging from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), will be the keynote speaker. Register today.

Tuesday, Sept. 19 - Introduction to POLST 
Join physician orders for life-sustaining treatment paradigm (POLST) for their one-hour virtual workshops equipping healthcare professionals with knowledge and resources to begin using POLST in Arizona. Register here.

Thursday, Sept. 21 - 10th Annual Arizona Health Equity Conference
For the past decade, the Arizona Health Equity Conference has been a leading forum for health professionals to discuss health equity issues in Arizona. The conference provides a space to share the latest research, practices, prevention programs and policies related to public health in Arizona. Learn more and register.

Sept. 28-29 - 2023 AZ Workforce Recruitment & Retention Conference
Attend the Recruitment & Retention Conference on Sept. 28-29. This year’s topics will include:

  • Management and leadership training for retention
  • Linking clinical education with primary care provider recruitment
  • Using data to inform healthcare workforce development
  • Effective job posting and marketing
  • Candidate interviewing
  • Inclusive practices for retention
  • Workforce updates

Register now.

Friday, Oct. 13 - Arizona Burn Symposium
The Arizona Burn Symposium is an opportunity for medical professionals to gather, learn and connect with experts in the field of burn care. The symposium features engaging speakers, informative panel discussions and interactive workshops that provide the latest advancements in burn care. Register today.

Oct. 25-27 - 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference
The 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference will once again be held at the exquisite Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson on Oct. 25-27. This will be an inspirational gathering of more than 200 hospital and healthcare executives seeking opportunities for continuing education, meaningful discussion and relationship building. Register now.




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