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Learn How to Plan for Future Medical Care | Develop Skills to Communicate with Your Seriously Ill Patients
Learn How to Plan for Future Medical Care
Talking about your own mortality, or the mortality of those close to you, can be a scary prospect. That’s why Thoughtful Life Conversations (TLC) has developed workshops to give you the skills necessary to start your own conversations about advance care planning and complete your advance directives.
Give your family and loved ones the gift of clarity by taking control of your future healthcare decisions today, should you become unable to speak for yourself tomorrow.
Web-based workshops are still available upon request. Please email [email protected] to submit a web-based workshop request.
Thoughtful Life Conversations: Advance Care Planning
Live Webinar
Audience: Community
Length: 1 Hour
When it comes to planning for future medical care, conversations can make all the difference. These workshops help people learn how to begin the conversation, and outlines a clear process for them to ensure that their priorities and preferences for future healthcare interventions are known, legally documented and honored. The target audience for the Thoughtful Life Conversations: Advance Care Planning workshop is the general public, anyone 18 years or older, with a special focus on the elderly or those with serious illness.
- Reduce fear and stigma around talking about dying
- Consider your life values
- Learn how to talk to others about your wishes
- Review healthcare planning decisions, resources and documents
- Learn with whom to share your healthcare planning documents
- Discuss when to review and update these documents
Thoughtful Life Conversations: Advance Care Planning - Train the Trainer
Audience: Community
Length: 3.5 Hours
This workshop prepares community representatives and volunteers with the knowledge, skills and resources to facilitate the 1- and 2-hour Thoughtful Life Conversations: Advance Care Planning workshops. Volunteers with a passion for teaching and improving end-of-life care for Arizonans are the target audience for this train the trainer workshop.
- Learn how to identify which workshop best meets the needs of the participants
- Observe a demonstration of the Thoughtful Life Conversations: Advance Care Planning workshop
- Review Arizona documents and community/state/national resources to successfully lead the workshop
- Learn facilitator techniques and strategies
- Participate in engagement activities
Develop Skills to Communicate with Your Seriously Ill Patients
Developing the skills necessary to have quality conversations with your seriously ill patients doesn’t always come naturally. We provide evidence-based workshops to empower the care team to have these difficult conversations by providing them with easy-to-implement, proven communications strategies.
Introduction to Communication in Serious Illness
Live Webinar
Audience: Healthcare Professionals
Length: 1 Hour
This workshop provides healthcare providers tools to have difficult conversations about goals of care by using easy-to-implement, evidence-based communication tools and strategies. Learn how to build rapport, give difficult news, respond to emotion, assess patient understanding, discuss prognosis, identify support systems, and elicit treatment goals to develop a plan for future care. The objectives for this session are to review the need for a systematic approach to having more, better and earlier conversations about patient values and priorities in serious illness, defining a population with serious illness for whom improved communication holds many benefits, reviewing a structured communication tool to facilitate communication in patients with serious illness, and discussing the value of summarizing, follow up and documentation. The target audience for the Communication in Serious Illness workshop is healthcare teams such as physicians, nurses, social workers, other healthcare providers and clergy.
Communication in Serious Illness
Audience: Healthcare Professionals
Length: 2.5 Hours
This workshop provides healthcare providers tools to have difficult conversations about goals of care by using easy-to-implement, proven communication tools and strategies. Learn how to build rapport, give difficult news, respond to emotion, assess patient understanding, discuss prognosis, identify support systems, and elicit treatment goals to develop a plan for future care. The objectives for this 2.5-hour didactic session are to review the need for a systematic approach to having more, better and earlier conversations about patient values and priorities in serious illness, defining a population with serious illness for whom improved communication holds many benefits, applying a structured communication tool to facilitate communication in patients with serious illness, and reviewing the value of summarizing, follow up and documentation. During this highly interactive workshop, participants will have the opportunity to practice case study conversations. The target audience for the Communication in Serious Illness workshop is healthcare teams such as physicians, nurses, social workers, other healthcare providers and clergy.
Communication in Serious Illness - Train the Trainer
Audience: Healthcare Professionals
Length: 5.5 Hours
This 5.5-hour Train-the-Trainer workshop equips the healthcare professional with knowledge, skills and resources to teach the 2.5-hour Communication in Serious Illness workshop. In this workshop, participants will learn to define a population of patients with serious illness for whom improved communication holds many benefits, apply a structured communication tool to elicit goals of care in patients with serious illness, review the value of summarizing, follow up and documentation of the conversation and goals of care, and apply principles of adult learning and facilitation to encourage engagement. This workshop includes skills practice and role play with feedback and debriefing. Target audience is healthcare teams such as physicians, nurses, social workers and other healthcare providers.
Introduction to POLST
Live Webinar
Audience: Healthcare Professionals
Length: 1 Hour
This one-hour workshop equips healthcare professionals with knowledge and resources to begin using POLST in Arizona. The objectives are to describe what POLST is at the state and national level, explain why POLST is important, define the population for POLST, when to begin the conversation and who completes POLST, describe the process for completing, reviewing and updating POLST, and learn the process of submitting healthcare planning documents to the Arizona Healthcare Directive Registry. Target audience is healthcare professionals who plan on using POLST or caring for patients/residents who have a POLST in all care settings.
There is a fee of $25/person for this workshop.
Communication in Serious Illness and POLST
Audience: Healthcare Professionals
Length: 3 Hours
This three-hour workshop equips healthcare professionals with knowledge, skills and resources to have the goals of care conversation with someone who is seriously ill and begin using POLST in Arizona. Objectives are to apply a structured communication tool to facilitate the communication in patients with serious illness and elicit goals of care, describe what POLST is at the state and national level and why it is important, define the population for Communication in Serious Illness and POLST, when to begin the conversation and who completes POLST in Arizona, describe the process for completing, reviewing and updating POLST, and describe how POLST could be implemented in your care setting. Target audience is healthcare professionals who plan on using POLST or caring for patients/residents who have a POLST in all care settings.
There is a $50 fee/person for this workshop.
Communication in Serious Illness and POLST Train-the-Trainer
Audience: Healthcare Professionals
Length: 5.5 Hours
The purpose of this 5.5-hour interactive workshop is to prepare participants to lead Communication in Serious Illness and POLST workshop. This class will introduce clinicians to how to use a systematic approach for better and earlier conversations about patient values and priorities in serious illness. Learn POLST fundamentals and how it aligns with advance care planning, what is required for the form to be accepted in the State of Arizona and what population may benefit from a POLST. During this workshop participants will have the opportunity to discuss the POLST form elements and how it aligns with the goals of care conversation, how to complete the form and when to review and update it. The target audience for this workshop is physicians, nurses, social workers and other healthcare providers who want to learn how to teach others how to communicate with patients and families facing serious illness and utilize POLST in Arizona.
Train the trainer expectations will be to successfully co-facilitate training with an approved trainer, submit all required paperwork and commit to co-host future training sessions using set curricula.
There is a fee of $100/person for this workshop.