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Connections newsletter 8-10-23

Read about early bird registration and an announcement about the title sponsor for the 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference, and details on the final FY 2024 IPPS and LTCH PPS rates.



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Connection Newsletter

By AzHHA Communications ● Aug. 10, 2023

Smart Brevity® count: 4 mins...1063 words

In this issue, you’ll find:

  • Early bird registration info and an announcement about the title sponsor for the 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference.
  • Details about the final FY 2024 IPPS and LTCH PPS rates.
  • An extensive list of upcoming events.

Take advantage of the early bird rate: 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference

Loews Hotels Tucson

The bottom line: The 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference will once again be held at the exquisite Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson on Oct. 25-27.

What’s next: You can:


CMS finalizes FY 2024 IPPS and LTCH PPS rates

People lined up to go into a building in the shape of a health care cross

What’s new: Last week, CMS finalized the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) rate and the long-term care hospital (LTCH) prospective payment system (PPS) rate.

IPPS rates are increasing by a paltry 3.1% (3.3% for a market basket rate increase less a 0.2 percentage point productivity cut).

  • The final rule adds a health equity adjustment that rewards hospitals which serve a higher proportion of dual eligible patients as well as a sepsis bundle measure to the Hospital Value-based Purchasing Program.
  • It continues the low wage index hospital policy which treats rural reclassified hospitals as geographically rural for the purposes of calculating the wage index. It also extends the electronic health records reporting period for a payment adjustment year from 90 days to 180 days.

LTCH PPS rates are increasing overall by only 0.2% over the current year.

  • This increase includes a 3.5% market basket increase less a 0.2 percentage point productivity cut.
  • Site neutral payment rates would also increase by 3.2%. However, the threshold for high cost outlier payments would increase significantly from $38,518 to $50,873.

Announcing title sponsor for the 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference

Confetti flying out of a megaphone.

What’s new: AzHHA is excited to share that IRI Consultants is the title sponsor of this year’s Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference.

Get to know IRI Consultants: Focusing on talent optimization, they help hospitals:

  • Design a people strategy that reduces turnover, improves engagement and performance, and achieves the business results most desired by their clients.
  • Transform their workforces into a passionate, engaged and thriving team of capable people.

Thank you to IRI Consultants for being the 2023 Arizona Hospital Leadership Conference’s title sponsor!


Governor Hobbs appoints ADHS director

What’s new: On Friday, Aug. 4, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs announced the permanent appointment of Jennie Cunico to lead the Department of Health Services.

“Jennie is a true public servant and an asset to the state. Since 2014, Jennie has been at ADHS and has demonstrated leadership through good times and bad. I know she will continue to promote a healthy, safe and vibrant Arizona.”
Governor Katie Hobbs

Dig deeper: Read more.


Member spotlight: Valleywise Health Burn Ward staff receive important training

Valleywise Burn Unit Staff

What’s new: Valleywise Health Medical Center’s main campus held a training session for six of their Burn Ward staff members in Hospital Emergency Response Training for Mass Casualty Incidents-Basic (HERT-B).

  • The is a one-day course offered to healthcare responders who have successfully completed the HERT course.
  • The HERT-B course provides students with an understanding of team assignments and functions, proper wear and removal of personal protective equipment, decontamination procedures, Emergency Treatment Area location selection, and operation and victim triage.

The bottom line: This training would not be successful without:

  • Olin Yarberry, director, disaster management and employee health, Valleywise Health
  • Paul Gresko, supervisor, disaster management and EOC, Valleywise Health
  • Traci Templeton and Jamie Beauvais, AZCHER certified instructors

Congratulations to the Burn Ward staff members!



Wednesday, Aug. 16 - Count the Kicks webinar
Arizona Department of Health Services is offering all Arizona healthcare workers a free webinar on Count the Kicks, a stillbirth prevention education campaign. Register now.

Wednesday, Aug. 16 - The future of obstetrics: The latest practices improving maternal outcomes
In this webinar, healthcare leaders from OSF Healthcare, Providence and Relias will dive into the latest education advancements and adult learning science for ensuring a thriving and engaged clinical team that delivers high-quality OB care and improves maternal outcomes. Register today.

Thursday, Aug. 31 - Introduction to POLST 
Join physician orders for life-sustaining treatment paradigm (POLST) for their one-hour virtual workshops equipping healthcare professionals with knowledge and resources to begin using POLST in Arizona.

The objectives of the workshops are:

  • To describe what POLST is at the state and national level.
  • Explain why POLST is important.
  • Define the population for POLST.
  • When to begin the conversation and who completes POLST.
  • Describe the process for completing, reviewing and updating POLST.
  • Learn the process of submitting healthcare planning documents to the Arizona Healthcare Directive Registry.

Register here.

Sept. 10 – 12 Arizona HFMA Fall Conference
Join the Arizona Healthcare Financial Management Association for the Fall Conference in beautiful Prescott, Ariz. The last day to register is Thursday, Sept. 7, but rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn must be reserved by Thursday, Aug. 10. Learn more and register.

Monday, Sept. 11 - 2023 Alzheimer’s Consortium Scientific Conference
Hosted by Mayo Clinic, this hybrid conference will be livestreamed and held in person in the Memorial Union on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe. There is no cost to attend, and lunch will be provided. Kristine Yaffe, MD, an internationally recognized expert in the epidemiology of dementia and cognitive aging from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), will be the keynote speaker. Livestream information, the conference agenda and a list of presenters will be available soon. Register today.

Friday, Sept. 15 - AIM Collaborative Conference
Register now for our second annual event focusing on AIM’s obstetric hemorrhage maternal health bundle. Hear from engaging speakers presenting on maternal health initiatives and integrating health equity into patient care. Attendees will include clinicians and executives from hospitals and birthing facilities, leaders from state agencies, community partners, not-for-profits, tribal healthcare and students. 

Friday, Oct. 13 - Arizona Burn Symposium
The Arizona Burn Symposium is an opportunity for medical professionals to gather, learn and connect with experts in the field of burn care. The symposium features engaging speakers, informative panel discussions and interactive workshops that provide the latest advancements in burn care. Register today.





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