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Federal and State Waivers

AzHHA has convened legal and compliance staff from across the state to determine which federal and state waivers were necessary to meet the needs of patients and the community during a potential COVID-19 patient surge. AzHHA continues to work with stakeholders on waivers and financial relief to assist hospitals and health systems in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Waivers of Federal Law

The AzHHA Federal Waiver Tracker consolidates all waivers of federal law that are pertinent to Arizona hospitals in one document.  Specifically, the tracker includes:

CMS 1135 Blanket Waiver approvals;

AHCCCS waiver approvals from CMS; and

All waiver approvals AzHHA has received from CMS. 

Note, areas shaded grey indicate waivers that AHCCCS or AzHHA has requested but have not yet been approved. The tracker also includes a link to the source document for each waiver. 

Federal Waivers Requested by AzHHA

Below are the letters in which AzHHA requested waivers of federal law and approvals AzHHA has received. To view all COVID-19 related letters, visit our COVID-19 letters page.

AzHHA letter to CMS requesting additional 1135 waivers - April 10, 2020

AzHHA letter to AHCCCS seeking additional federal waivers - April 10, 2020

CMS Approval of AzHHA 1135 Waiver Request - March 30, 2020

CMS Resources

Please visit the CMS Coronavirus Waivers and Flexibilities Webpage, which includes a continuously updated list of blanket waivers issued by CMS and access to other CMS resources including waivers organized by provider type and by state.

AHCCCS Resources

Please visit the AHCCCS COVID-19 Federal Emergency Authorities Webpage to view all documentation relating to AHCCCS waiver requests and CMS approvals.  View the Status of AHCCCS Emergency Authority Requests to view the status of AHCCCS federal waiver requests related to COVID-19.  

Waivers of State Law

State-Issued Waivers Related to COVID-19

State Waivers Requested by AzHHA

Below are the letters in which AzHHA has requested waivers of state regulations and licensure requirements. To view all COVID-19 related letters, visit our COVID-19 letters page.

Additional State Guidance