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POLST About Forms


Our Mission

The Mission of the Arizona POLST Task Force is to improve the quality of life for Arizonans nearing the end-of-life by providing an evidence-based, patient-centered, voluntary process that elicits, records and honors the treatment goals of those with advanced illness and frailty in a compassionate manner that is respectful of the inherent dignity of the individual.

Our Vision

The vision of the Arizona POLST Task Force is for Arizonans to integrate Arizona POLST into advance care planning, resulting in improved knowledge of their prognosis, shared decision making, treatment goals known and honored resulting in improved quality of life.

Our Values

In order to deliver evidence-based, high quality care we will assure the following components are part of the Arizona POLST education and completion process:

  • The right patient: the patient will feel empowered by the discussion of the Arizona POLST form with their health care professional;

  • The right decision-maker: as part of the quality process, and with the patient’s permission, the patient’s correct legal decision-maker will participate in the conversation to assure they know and feel comfortable honoring the patient’s wishes;

  • The right time: the healthcare professional would offer the opportunity for an Arizona POLST discussion to their patient whom they would not be surprised if this patient were to die in the next 1-2 years;

  • The right conversation: the health care professional is trained and experienced in having a sensitive and meaningful “Goals of Treatment Conversation” with the patient and their legal decision-maker; and

  • The right documentation: the Arizona POLST form will be carefully and correctly completed along with their living will and healthcare power of attorney, submitted to the Arizona Directory, and available to those who will need to locate and honor the Arizona POLST orders across the continuum of care.

Arizona POLST Program Leadership Team

The Arizona POLST Task Force is part of the Thoughtful Life Conversations, a program of the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association. Thoughtful Life Conversations Advisory Committee and the Arizona POLST Task Force is an affiliation of volunteer healthcare leaders, providers and community volunteers with a shared commitment and a sense of accountability to improve end-of-life care for Arizonans.